Madness Rhymes, Sometimes

Dedicated to Peace and Unity


Hello and welcome to my Madness! I created it just for you. Well, anyone, really. I was hoping somebody would happen by, at least. Glad that you did. Otherwise, I might just have created this all for nothing! Well, for fun, certainly, so if no one ever saw it, OK. But, it's always more fun to share things, don't you think? This is where many of the things I've written end up, sooner or later. And, I love to write. I have been doing it my entire life. Please don't embarrass me by asking why, because I really do not have an answer for you. I suppose it must somehow cause my brain to release some enzymes which, in turn, make me happy. Or, I'm mad. You choose. If I am mad, then this is my Madness. You see? Anyway, there are plenty of things which have gone missing, as to my writing. At times, they have disappeared in a flash, as in flooding, or up in smoke, as I have burned an awful lot of it. You should be grateful for that! I know I am. So, let's see...oh yes. I write. Have to be careful to stay focused and get to the point. If you stay long enough, you may find I ramble, at times. That is because I write what is on my mind. I'm not going to tell you it's cluttered here, in my mind. But, I will say it can sometimes be extremely hectic. I can think of hundreds of different things, all at once. Thoughts pass through here so randomly, I sometimes wonder where the hell they came from! So, these are some of my myriad thoughts that actually made it out of my mind and onto the screen. They escaped me! Hopefully, you will not judge me too harshly. Feel free to contact me and let me know what you think.

The Eyes Have It

You will find the eyes above are links to various portions of this website. There is prose, (which really is my Madness), as well as my email and more. And, some may take you elsewhere, for a visit to another site. Roll over the images to see what they say, which will indicate where they take you. To the left and below the eyes are links to poetry which I have written over the decades. The names of the poems are in the middle. Roll over those to highlight the names of the poems. Click on them, if you would like to read some poetry. When you are finished reading, or horribly offended by the poem (I hope not!), simply click on the return link at the bottom of each page, which, remarkably, looks just like an eyeball. Because it is! Or click next (the arrow pointing right), or click previous (the arrow pointing left). Here is what they look like:

If you hover over the links, they will tell you where you are about to go.


I am old, and I smell funny. Wait...what? LOL I can remember being young, and children would often say to their parents (or each other) "Old people smell funny". It is funny, because I cannot recall what was so funny about their smell, but I do remember hearing that. Anyway, I certainly do not feel old, and I am a hygienic person. And, you wouldn't be able to smell me here, anyway! Whew! Got that out of the way. Uh...oh, yeah...talking about me. I have enjoyed writing poetry since I was very young, but I learned early on not to share that fact with anyone. The hard way, of course. I told my Mother, and she promptly made me read it out loud to my Aunt. That was enough of that! I told a friend once, and was laughed at until I had to go home. Done with that crap, too. I submitted one in high school, in my English class (for which I got a very high grade) but, once again, was told to read it out loud, this time in front of a room filled with kids my age! Yikes! I could not do it, I was so flustered, so the teacher was kind enough to read it for me. Well, I can tell you, I certainly didn't make that mistake again, even when I took a Poetry class in College! All we did in that class, for the most part, was tear apart peoples' poems, including some very famous ones written by respected poets from around the world. That did it. Not only did I keep my poetry to myself, I quit College and went into the military. If you think anyone there ever found out about my penchant for passing the time with poetry, you really are a nut! No, sir! I don't like poetry, and I'm not going to read it, write it, talk about it or even think of it. Well, now that I smell funny...I mean, now that I'm older, I couldn't care less if others find my peculiarity a little odd. It is fun to write, and I have found that my early social circles were a bit out of the ordinary, anyway. Once, I had someone ask if my poetry was esoteric. Hmmm...I thought to myself "How the hell would I know the answer to that question?". I did not write it for anyone in particular, except myself, so perhaps it was! Very esoteric, I guess. Then, I got curious, and had to know what other people thought of it. I had quite a lot of it, by that time. Turns out, some people really like poetry! So, without further eloquence, let's see what you think of mine. I hope you enjoy some of it, at least.


Now I come to my favorite part, you. Yes, you are the reason for creating this site. I know all my writing already, because I wrote it! There'd be no reason for me to put it here, without you. In the interests of sharing thoughts, which we all know can actually lead to conversations, or correspondence. Or, intercourse. You know, the exchange of ideas which wiser men than I have called intercourse, once upon a time. The term can mean something else, entirely, to some minds. That's all right, so long as we are communicating, thinking, sharing ideas and getting to know one another. I believe that is the ultimate reason humans taught themselves to speak, so they could communicate and get to know one another. In some cases, I guess I feel they may have done it so they could remove some of the clutter in their minds. I feel sorry that we are losing some of the words which we created to just such misunderstandings and changing of the meanings thereof. Intercourse is only one of many. Many of those words were especially beautiful and instantly conjured a picture in one's mind. Gay is one which used to be full of frivolity, joyousness and spontaneity. It rarely, if ever gets used in that context any longer. Unless you are around me, you probably hardly ever hear the words obliged and kindly. I seem to use those two constantly. Anyway, if we keep losing words, we may be grunting to each other, all over again. Jeepers, I'm losing track, once again.

You Just Knew It Was Coming!

Yes, I have come to THAT part which everyone hates (including me), but it needs to be said. The poetry which I post, along with any prose or other written nonsense, is mine. It was copyrighted the very moment in which I wrote it, as is anything which you choose to write (none of which I will post here). This particularly gorgeous and imaginative interface was created by the superbly talented Ann Stretton (see her link at the bottom or one of the eyeballs at top. You really should check out her site, even though she no longer creates interfaces like this one. I guess I'm Grandfathered in! The images which I found on the internet to complement my poetry are, as far as I am aware, copyright-free. I assume that because I did just that: I found them on the web. I did not go to anyone's website to purloin their private prized possessions, and I certainly do not wish to offend anyone in that regard. I simply typed a description of what I wanted into the address bar of my browser and...voila! I am extremely grateful to whoever created the images I chose, because I really like them (hence, the reason I chose them!). I would love to give them credit for their work. So, please, if you see an image here which you believe is copyrighted, or if the image is yours, contact me at the above Eyeball (email link), and I will replace it immediately and apologize profusely! Let's all be friends and respectful of one another, shall we?

Copyright © 1996-2000 Ann Stretton.